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Paper scenographic elements for the exhitition "LO SGUARDO NASCOSTO, THE DANCE BEHIND THE CURTAIN", Teatro alla Scala, Milan.

Collateral laboratory of the "AMANO CORPUS ANIMAE" exhibition with “Paper Couture Design”, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan.


Corporate event "OVERDRIVE" by Mocautogroup for the project Mazda Eccellenze Italiane, Mocautogroup, Milan.


THE LAW-SUIT, exhibition / fashion show for dSP Studio de'Sanna Pirovano, Grand Hotel Villa Torretta, Sesto San Giovanni, Milano.

Christmas social communication campaign and window displays for Recarlo.

Artistic installation "RENAISSANCE" for the exhibition THE POWER by Alina Art Foundation, Paratissima, Cavallerizza Reale, Turin.

Personal exhibition "SOTTO IL SEGNO DEI PESCI" Acquario Civico di Milan.


Personal exhibition "LA GENTILEZZA DELLA CARTA", Fashion Research Italy Foundation, Bologna.

Collective exhibition "HOMO FABER", Cini Foundation, Venice.

Exhibition "ESSERE GUIDO CREPAX, father and daughter" Legnano. 


Personal exhibition, "CATERINA CREPAX: METAMORFOSI" into Lubica Biennale - Lucca. 

Award Lubica 2022 Paper Fashion.


Personal exhibition with Patek Phlippe partnership, Cassina show-room, Milan.

Personal exhibition "PESCI METROPOLITANI", Origami Do gallery, Milan.


Teambuinding for Valentino Maison in Milan.


Corporate event, paper dresses fashion show for Turisanda travel agency at Pelota Jai Alai, Milan.

Corporate event "AURORA CENTO! 1919-2019" for Aurora Penne at Officina della scrittura museum in Turin.

Participation in the fair YouNique - Boutique Fair of Arts, Lugano, Switzerland.

Personal exhibition "INTRECCI DI LEGGEREZZA" for Selvatica Festival, Palazzo La Marmora, Biella.

Tissue paper fashion show for Sofidel group at Lazzareschi Foundation in Porcari (Lucca) for the photographic exhibition curated by Claudio Cammarata.

Teambuinding for Fendi group Japan, Tokyo, Japan.


Making clothes inspired by the artists Paco Rabanne and Yves Saint Laurent for the exhibition "VALENTINA, UNA VITA CON CREPAX", at Bassano del Grappa's civic museums, in collaboration with Carteria Tassotti.


Tissue paper fashion show for Sofidel group at Regent Hayatt Hotel in Columbus, Ohio, Usa.

Corporate event for Patek Philippe at Serbelloni Palace, Milan, in collaboration with Icet Studio Agency.

Award MAM Master of Arts and Crafs Caterina Crepax for category Paper 2018, Honour Hall Triennale of Milan.

Corporate event Linkontro for Nielsen,

Forte Village Sardinia in collaboration with Itaca Comunicazione Agency.


Speak for Linklaters Milano.

Performance with dancers for 2 editions of Homi

fair Milan 2017 in collaboration with William Blake Agency.

Project "POLIS" for Double Signature 2017

in collaboration with designer Uros Mihic, Fondazione Cologni and Living, Fuori Salone, Milan.

Collective exhibition and paper fashion show  


Milano Artist's Residency.

"Varese Design Week" exhibition at Base Blu Shops. 

Itinerant exhibition "SHEMAKES"

a Natura Donna Impresa project 2017.

Collective exhibition "L'ARTE DELLA SOSTENIBILITÀ" Bocconi University Milan and Studio Lombardini 22.

Workshop "Milan tailor made" inside "LA LUNA È UNA LAMPADINA" 50 years IED in collaboration with Icma sartorial Paper, Triennale Milano.


Personal exhibition "CARTA DELL'ALTRO MONDO", atelier Natsuko Toyofuku, Milan.

Personal art show "MORRA CINESE" in

Francesco Zanuso Gallery, Milan.


"W-WOMEN" in Design Triennale of Milano Design Museum.

Cartasia Biennal 2016 collective exhibition.

Personal exhibition inside "D DREAMERS" Event - Ettore Fico Museum, Turin.

TV show performance "Tu sì que Vales" ( Mediaset Italia) directed by Belen Rodriguez, Rome.

Personal exhibition inside "FEMMINILE PLURALE" event Palazzo della Rosa Prati, Parma.


Collective exhibition "IL DESIGN ITALIANO OLTRE LA CRISI" Triennale Design Museum.

Collective exhibition "IMMAGINI D'IO" on Alessandro Mendini's vase, Triennale Design Museum.

Palazzo Isimbardi award ceremony: Caterina Crepax for category art.

Corporate event for Tassotti Papers, Milan International Furniture Fair and Tassotti Showroom, Bassano del Grappa.


Design project of her father Guido Crepax exhibition

in Milan "FUNNY VALENTINE" Nuages Gallery.

Corporate event for Brother Italia Milano International Furniture Fair, Fuori Salone, Milan.

Collective exhibition "ORTINFESTIVAL", Venaria Reale, Turin.


Van Cleef & Arpels "LES FLEURS ENCHANTÈE - BLOOMING CREATIVITY" with Creative Academy, Milan.

Collective exhibition "DELIRES DE LIVRES 2013", Chartres, France.


Design project of her father Guido Crepax exhibition in Milano, "GUIDO CREPAX, RITRATTO DI UN ARTISTA", Palazzo Reale, Milan.

Collective exhibition "CODA PAPER ART 2013", at Apeldoorn, Netherlands.



The “MAN AT THE CENTRE – from Design to the Art of Paper”. On the occasion of the 2012 Salone del Mobile in Milan, Montblanc and the Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte, Milan.

A dress for the Italian fashion Stylist Roberto Cavalli, made with his home collection wallpapers, Palazzo Crespi, Milan.


Exhibition  "CAPI D'OPERA",  Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d'Arte, Palazzo Morando, Milan.

Special Jewelary design workshop for Yamanashi at Ied Fashion Milan.

Collective exhibition "ECOPINK" in Milan and London.

Guest of honor at the Rio Comicon with an artwork dedicated to the character Valentina, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Personal art show "DE BUSTIBUS" -  Genoa and Livorno.


Collective exhibition "PLEASE ME FASHION", Palazzo Ducale, Sabbioneta.

Personal exhibition at Cartasia Biennal in Lucca, Cavallerizza Napoleonica "SOGNI VESTITI DI CARTA".



Art show "WAKE UP" the White Gallery in Milan.



Personal show at the gallery Arkè in Venice.

Signs the scenographic project for the anthologic exhibition "LA FORMA DEL TEMPO" dedicated to her father Guido Crepax  for Triennale Bovisa, Milan.

Exhibition in Porcari (Lucca) with in the Biennale Cartasia.


Collaboration with the Spanish group Hera, recycling and the environment, with a catwalk of paper dresses, Barcelona, Spain.


Fashion shows/ catwalk in Milan and Rome for Lexmark.

Collaboration with Comieco, National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling Paper.


"IL CAVALIERE IN NERO "by Moroni of the Poldi Pezzoli Museum.


Art Basel Miami, DotFiftyOne Gallery, Miami, Usa.


"DA CAPUCCI AL FASHION DESIGN" at the Palazzo Carignano in Turin.


Sao Paulo Fashion Week 2002, personal interpretation in paper of the major Brazilian fashion designers, Bienal Ibirapuera, Sao Paulo, Brasil.


"ECOMODA" Triennale Milano, Milan.

"PAPPER EXHIBITION" from Malmo to Stockholm, Sweden.


Corporate event for Molteni, Salone internazionale del mobile, Milan. 



Permanent collaborators 

- Emanuele Bestetti - Set design

Other collaborators

- Thomas Meira

- Selene Pantani

- Laura De Alexandris

- Ilaria Berardi​



Communication companies

​- William Blake Agency

- Itaca Comunicazione Agency

- Factory Group Agency

- Icet Studio Agency

- ELC Adv 



-Fondazione FRI


-Cartiera Cordenons


-Patek Philippe

-Aurora penna


- Nielsen

- Lexmark

- Brother

- Tassotti paper

- ICMA sartorial paper

- Cartiera Fabriano

- Cartiera Fedrigoni

- Van Cleef & Arpels

- Mont Blanc

- La Rinascente

- Fendi

- Coop

- Conad

- Carrefour

- Tetra Pak

- Kinder

- Andriani

- Decò

- Zerbinati

- Dimmi di sì

- Viaggiator Goloso

- MD

- Zucchi

- Benvolio

- De Nigris

- Despar

- Crai

- Wessanen

- Vegè

- Larusmiani

- Hera

- Molteni

- Acquachiara spose

- Domo Adami spose

- Fiera Milano

- Accademia del Profumo

- Valentino

- Mazda

Stylists / Designers

- Nicola Gallizia

- Roberto Cavalli

- Mauro Adami

- Sartoria Bassani

- Atelier Giusy Bresciani

- Annagemma Lascari

- V-Grass

- Luisa Canovi

- Alessandro Mendini

- Alessandro Guerriero

- La fucina di Efesto

- Uros Mihic

- Fondazione Cologni

- Arte vetrina Project

"the winner is ..."

- Award Paper fashion 2022 - Lubica Lucca

Award MAM Master of Arts and Crafs Caterina Crepax for category PAPER Triennale Milan (2018)

- Award "Natura Donna Impresa" Expo 2015 category ART, Palazzo Isimbardi, Milan

- International award "Limen-Arte", Camera di commercio, Vibo Valentia 2012


- IED Istituto europeo di design

- NABA nuova accademia di belle arti

- Creative Academy

- Istituto tessile di Como

- Futurarium


- Armin Linke

- Eva e Mario Mulas

- Alessio Ponti

- Sergio Magnano

- Giovan Battista D'Achille

- Alessandro Castiglioni

- Emanuele Zamponi

- Denise Bonenti

- Daria Galli

- Susanna Pezzoli

- Laila Pozzo

- Gianluca Widimer

- Juli Capella

- Mario Canci

© Caterina Crepax | Paper Art. 

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